The Parzival-project

In a project based at the University of Basle and sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation our research team is preparing the ground for a new electronic edition of Wolfram’s Parzival. At present we are concentrating on selected parts of the first, third, ninth and sixteenth book of the poem. Our medium-term goal is the edition of a greater coherent section, e.g. books 1 and 2 (the Gahmuret story), which will be published in parallel, in an electronic and in a printed version. We are in contact with other digital projects as for instance David Yeandle’s project of a Parzival-bibliography (King’s College London). As our base manuscript we are using one of the oldest and most reliable textual witnesses: St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 857, dating from the mid of the 13th century (MS. D in Parzival-philology). By employing transcriptions, facsimiles and collation, cross-referencing and data-banks of variants, the text of this manuscript can be compared with the versions preserved in other codices.

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