Bibliografia Yakuza: tra politica e affari / Manuela Flore

Yakuza: tra politica e affari / Manuela Flore, relatore Francesco Gatti [2001] Università degli Studi di Venezia, Ca’ Foscari: Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, A.A. 2000/2001

Libri in italiano

BENEDICT, Ruth, Il Crisantemo e la Spada, Milano, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 1991.

BORSA, Giorgio, Le Origini del Nazionalismo in Asia Orientale, “Appunti di storia Moderna”, (a cura del Prof. Giancarlo Calza), Università di Pavia.

CAFERRA,Vito, Marino, Il Sistema della Corruzione , le Ragioni, i Soggetti, i Luoghi, Roma, Laterza, 1992.

CAZZOLA, Franco, Della Corruzione: Filosofia e Patologia di un Sistema Politico, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1988.

GREENFELD, Karl Taro, Baburu, I Figli della Grande Bolla, Instar Libri S.r.l, Torino, 1995.

MISHIMA, Yukio, Lezioni Spirituali per Giovani Samurai, trad. di Lidia Origlia, SE Studio Editoriale SRL, Milano, 1988,

YAMANE, Sadao, I Cavalieri Erranti nel Cinema Giapponese, in Nuovissimo/ Pesaro (a cura di) Schermi Giapponesi, La tradizione e il genere, Venezia, Marsilio, 1984.

Articoli in italiano

DEL POZZO, Ebbamondo, La violenza e le Espressioni Gergali dei Giapponesi, “Aistugia”, n. 8, pp. 121-142.

DEL POZZO, Ebbamondo, La Natura Umana dei Giapponesi, A, 1986, pp. 121-138

PISU, Renata, Gangster e Samurai, “Il Venerdì di Repubblica”, 24 Ottobre 2000, pp. 146-154.

Libri in inglese.

AMES, Walter L., Police an Community in Japan, California UP Berkeley, 1981.

BEASLEY, William, Gerald, The Modern History of Japan, Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., Publishers, 1967.

BENNET, John, Ishino, Iwao, Paternalism in the Japanese Economy, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1963.

BEVACQUA, Ron, The Origin and Meaning of Corruption in Japanese Ministeries: One Hypothesis, in The DFS Monthly, March, 1996.

BLOMBERG, Catharina, The Hart of The Warrior, Curzon Press Ltd, 1994.

BRADLEY – FLANAGAN, Politics Japan, Little Brown and Company, (Canada) Limited, 1992.

BROWN, Delmer, M., Nationalism in Japan, University of California Press,1971.

BURUMA, Ian, A Japanese Mirror. Heroes and Villains of Japanese Culture, Harmondsworth, Penguins Books, 1984, pp.137 – 139.

CHIE, Nakane, Japanese Society, Berkley, University of California Press, 1972.

CRAIG, Parker L., The Japanese Police Sistem, Tōkyō, Kodansha International,1984.

DEVOS, George, A.; Mizushima, Keiichi, Organization and Social Function of Japanese Gangs: historical development and modern parallels, in Dore, R.P., (a cura di) Aspect of Social change in Modern Japan, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1967, pp.289 – ???.

DEVOS, George, A., Socialization of Achievement: Essays on the Cultural Psychology of the Japanese, Berkley, University of California Press, 1973.

DEACON, Richard, A History of The Japanese Secret Service, London, Frederick Muller Limited, London, 1992.

FELLMAN, Sandi, The Japanese Tattoo, Abbeville Press, New York, 1986.

FUKUTANE, Tadashi, The Social Structure its evolution in the modern century, University press of Tōkyō, 1981.

HALL, John, Whitney, L’Impero Giapponese, Milano, Feltrinelli Editore, 1968.

HENDRY, Joy, Understanding Japanese Society, Croom Helm, New York, 1987.

INAZO, Nitobe, The Soul of Japan, Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc., Tokyo, 1969.

IWAI, Hiroaki, Delinquenin Japanese Patterns of Behavoir, in Takie Sugiyama Lebra and William P. Lebra ( a cura di) Japanese Culture and Behavoir: selected reading , Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii, pp. 383-395 .

KAPLAN, David, and DUBRO, Alec, Yakuza: la Mafia Giapponese, Milano, Edizioni Comunità, 1987.

LEBRA, Takie, Sugiyama, Organized Delinquency: Yakuza as Cultural Exemple, in Japanese Patterns of Behavoir, Honolulu, Hawaii UP, Honolulu, 1976, pp. 169-189.

LEITER, Samuel, L., Kabuki Encyclopedia, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1979.

MITCHELL, Richard, H., Political Bribery in Japan, Hawaii UP. Honolulu, 1996.

MIYAZAWA, Setsuo, Policing in Japan: a Study on Making Crime, Albany, State University of New York Press, 1992.

MORRIS, Ivan, I., Nationalism and Right Wing in Japan, London, Oxford Univrsity Press, 1960.

ROME, Florence, The Tattooed Man: an American Woman Reports on the Japanese Criminal Underworld, New York: Delacorte Press, 1975

REISHAUER, Edwin, O., La Storia del Giappone passato e presente, Milano, Rizzoli Editore, 1974.

SANMSON, Gorge, A History of Japan 1965-1967, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1966.

WHITHING, Robert, Tōkyō Underworld, Vintage Books a Division of Random House Inc., New York, 1999.

 Articoli in lingua inglese
ARTICOLO NON FIRMATO, The History of Japanese Tattoing, “THE EAST”, Vol., XXVI, No.3, Oct., 1990, pp.42-45

ARTICOLO NON FIRMATO, The Origin of the Yakuza”, TE, Vol., XVII, n.9–10, Sept.1981, pp. 45–51.

BAERWALD, Hans, H., Lockheed and Japanese Politics, “Asian Survey”, Vol., XVI, No.9, 1976, pp. 817-829.

BALDWIN, Frank, Sōkaiya, the Idiom of Contemporary Japan, “Japan Interpreter”, 8, Winter 1974, pp. 502-509.

BEFU, Harumi, Gift–Giving in Modernig Japan, “Monumenta Nipponica”, Vol., 23, 1968, pp. 3-4.

BLACKER, Micheal, Japan 1974 The Year of Lockheed, “AS”, 1976, pp.81-90.

BOZONO, Shigeru, Yakuza on the Defensive, “Japan Quarterly”, Jan – March, 1998, pp. 79-86.

BUNPO, Natty, Yakuza, Sex slaves, Drug, Subway gas, Ultranationalism and Secret Societies, “Eastern Time”, 7, May, 1997.

DELFS, Robert, Clash of Loyalty, “Far Eastern Economic Review”, Nov., 21, 1991, pp. 30-34

DELFS, Robert, Japan: Feeding on the Sistem: Gangster Play Increasing Role in Business and Politics, FEER, Nov., 21, 1991, pp. 28-30

DELFS, Robert, Smoking Guns, FEER, Dec., 2, 1992, pp. 18–20.

DI PIETRO, Monty, The Tattoos: They are in Changing, TE, Vol. 34, No. 3, 1985, pp. 57-61.

FONTAINE, Gary and SEVERANCE, Laurence, J., Intercultural Problem in the Interpretation of Evidence: A Yakuza Trial, “Internatinal Journal of Intercultural Relations”, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1990, pp. 163-176.

FUKUOKA, Masayuki, Tanaka Kakuei’s Grass Roots, “Japan Echo, Special Essue”, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1993, pp. 33-39.

GILL, Tom, Streetwinter, “Tōkyō Business”, April 1994, pp. 4–10.

GRAGER, Bruce, A., Yakuza: The Warlords of Japanese Organized Crime, “Annual Survay of INT’L & Coomp. Law”, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1997, pp.147-245.

HAJIME, Shirohara, A Political Turning Point: Myth and Realty, JE, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1976, pp. 18- 30.

HEAD, Anthony, Japan and the Safe Society, JQ, Vol 42, No. 2, April-June, 1976, pp.146-154.

HIPPIN, Andreas, The Extreme Right In Japan, in “Arm the Spirit Publication”, Toronto, May, 6, 1996.

HUANG, Frank, F.J., and VAUGHAN, Micheal, S., A Descritive: Analysis of Japanese Organized Crime: Bōryōkudan from 1945 to 1988, “International Criminal Justice Review”, Vol. 2, 1992, pp. 19 – 57.

IGA, Mamoru and AVERBACH, Morton, Political Corruption and Social Structure in Japan, AS, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 556-564.

IMAZU, Hiroshi, Power Mosaic: Hotbed of Lockheed Case, JQ, Vol. 23, No.3, July, 1976, pp. 228-237.

INAMI, Shinnosuke, Going After the Yakuza, JQ, Vol. 5, No. 4, July-Sept, 1992, pp. 353-358.

ISHIKAWA Hirotomo, The Hidden Hand Multinational Corporations, JQ, Vol. 23, No. 3, July 1976, pp. 247-254.

KANEMATSU, Sachiko, The Women of Kabukichō, JQ, January – March, 1988, pp. 84-89.

KERSTEN, Joachim, Street Youth, Bōsōzoku, and Yakuza: Subculture Formation and Societal Reactions in Japan, “Crime and Delinquency”, Vol., 39, No. 3, 1993, pp. 277-295.

KITAZAWA, Masakuni, The Lockheed Incident and Japanese Culture, “Japan Interpeter”, Vol., 11, No.2, Autumn 1976, pp.??.

KITAZAWA, Masakuni, The Lockheed Incident and Japanese Culture, JI, Vol., 11, Autumn, 1976, pp. 219-223;

MAGUIRE, Keith, Crime Control and the Yakuza in Contemporary Japan, “The Criminologist”, Oct., 1997, pp. 131-141.

MANSFIELD, Stephen, The Invisible Art of the Tattoo, JQ, Vol., 46, No.1, January-March, 1999, pp. 30-41.

MIYAZAKI, Kenro, Gangsters & Business: The Story of a Turbulent Marriage, TB, December I994, p. 7.

MURAOBUSHI, Tetsurō, Crime Involving Men in Power and Structural Corruption, “JE”, Vol., III, No.2, 1976, pp. 31-32.

NAGAYO, Honna, Scandalous Scenary, JE, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1976, pp. 130-138.

NITTA, Mayumi, The Rise and Fall of the Art of Japanese Tattoing, “The East”, Vol., XXXIV, No.6.

OGINO, Hiroshi, The Sōkaiya’s Grip on Corporate Japan, JQ, July – September, 1997, pp. 15-22.

PONS, Philippe, Yakuza, la Mafia du Japon, “L’Histoire”, No.5, Dec. 1982, pp. 48-61.

REI, Shiratori, The Lockheed Affair: A Second Look at Democracy, JE, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1976, pp. 23-30.

ROGERS, Lawrence, Shinjū, MN, Vol., 49, No. 1, Spring, 1994, pp.40-60.

ROTHACHER, Albrecht, Yakuza. The Socioeconimic Rales of Organized Crime in Japan, “Internationales Asian Forum. International Quarterly, 24, No.1/2, Maggio 1993.

SAKURADA, Kenji, Yakuza on the Attack, “TBT”, Dec., 1994, pp. 4-7.

SAKURADA, Kenji, Yakuza Storming the Corporate Ship, TBT, Vol., 62, No.4, April, 1994, pp. 46-47.

SHILLING, Mark, Yakuza Film: Fading Celluloid Heroes, JQ, July- September, 1996, pp. 30-42.

SHIRATORI, Rei, The Lockheed Affair: A Look at Democracy, JE, Vol., 3, No.2, 1976, pp. 23-30.

SZYMKOWAIK, Kennet, F., Sōkaiya Criminal Group and the Conflict for Corporate Power in Postwar Japan, “Asia Profile”, Vol. 20, No.4, August, 1992, pp. 297-308.

SZYMKOWIAK, Kennet, F., and STEINOFF, Patricia, G., Wrapping Up in Something Long: Intimidation and Violence by Right -Wing Group in Japan, “Terrorism and Political Violence”, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1995, pp. 265-298.

SZYMKOWIAK, Kennet, F., Sōkaiya: An Examonation of the Social and Legal Devoloupmet of Japan’s Corporate Extortionist, “International Journal of the Sociology of Law”, Vol. 22, 1994, pp.123-143.

TADAO, Uchida, The Lockheed Scandal and Japanese Democracy, JE, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1976, pp. 17

TADAO, Uchida, The Lockheed Scandal and Social Corruption, JE, Vol. 3, No.3, 1976, pp. 107-111.

TAKAGI, Masayuki, Pride and Prosperity Among the Yakuza, JQ, April-June, 1997, pp. 320-323.

TAKAHASHI, Eiichi, Roots of Corruption: Public Works System Makes, “Iron Tirangle” Rich, TBT, January, 1994, pp. 32–33.

TAKASHI, Kakimi, Organized Crime In Japan: The Bōryōkudan Groups, “The Police Chief”, Oct., 1988, pp. 161-162.

TAKU, Murata, Corporate Shekedown Artist, TBT, October 1994, pp. 26-28.

TETSURO, Murobuchi, Crimes Involving Men Power and Structural Corruption, JE, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1976, pp. 31-41.

TRENDS AND TIPICS, Lockheed Scandal: Multinational Bribery and Japan, JQ, Vol., 23, No. 2, Apr., 1976, pp.109-120.

WANNER, Barbara, Yakuza in Japan: Organized Crime that is out in the open, “Terrorism, Violence and Insurgency Report”; 11, No.1, pp. 13–22.

WILLEMS, Nadine, Loi et Ordre, “La Reveau Novelle”, Vol. 99, No. 8-9, pp. 31-35.

YAYAMA, Taro, The Recruit Scandal: Learning from the Causes of Corruption, “Journal of Japanese Studies”, Vol. 16, No.1, 1990.

Libri in giapponese

AOYAMA, Kōji, Yakuza no Sekai: Kenka, Jingi, Tobaku, sono Onna, (Il Mondo della Yakuza: Scontri, Cavalleria, Gioco d’azzardo, Donne), Kōfusha, 1979.

AOYAMA, Kōnichi, Yakuza no Sekai, (Il Mondo della yakuza), Kōfusha, 1991.

ASAKURA, Kyōji, For Beginners-Yakuza, (La yakuza per principianti),  Gendai shokan, 1990.

ASAKURA, Kyōji, MIZOGUCHI Atushi, YAMANOUCHI Kyō, Yakuza to Iu Ikikata, (Lo stile di vita della yakuza), Tōkyō, Takarajima, 2000.

 ASAKURA, Kyoji, Geinoo Hajigen, (L’origine dell’intrattenimento), Myūjikku- Magazine, 1986.
 BERRIGAN, Durrel, Yakuza no Sekai, (Il mondo della yakuza), Tōkyō Seikisha, F. T., 1995.
 INO, Kenji, Yakuza to Nihonjin, (La yakuza e i giapponesi), Tōkyō, Kabushiki Shokan, 1993.
JAKOB, Raz, Yakuza no Bunkajin Taguigaku, (Antropologia della yakuza), Tōkyō, Iwanami Shoten,
KATO, Hisao, Bōryōkudan, Tōkyō, Iwanami Shoten, 1993.
KUBO, Toshihiro, Tekiya no jingi, (Il jingi dei tekiya), Japan Posto, 1987.
MIZOGUCHI, Atsushi, Gendai Yakuza no urawashiki, (Indiscrezioni sulla yakuza Moderna), Tōkyō, Takarajima, 1998.

SAGA, Junichi, Asakusa bakuto ichidai, (Il primo bakuto di Asakusa), Kodansha,1991.


YAMAHIRA, Shigeki, Yakuza daijiten, (Il Grande dizionario della yakuza)Tōkyō, Futabasha, 1992, Vol.1; Vol. 2.

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